Recent work suggesting that fisheries depletions have turned the corner is misplaced because analysis was based largely on fisheries from better-managed developed-world …
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have occurred in all ocean basins with severe negative impacts on coastal and ocean ecosystems. The northeast Pacific 2013–2015 MHW in particular …
This contribution presents time series of the 'fishery biomass' of fish populations, defined as the weight (whole-body, wet weight) of the in-water part of a fishable population, ie, that part …
Although there are various indications and claims that jellyfish (ie, scyphozoans, cubozoans, most hydrozoans, ctenophores, and salps) have been increasing at a global scale in recent …
Using estimates of the primary production required (PPR) to support fisheries catches (a measure of the footprint of fishing), we analyzed the geographical expansion of the global …
There are differences in perception of the status of fisheries around the world that may partly stem from how data on trends in catches over time have been used. On the basis of catch …
Future projections of potential ocean ecosystem stressors, such as acidification, warming, deoxygenation, and changes in ocean productivity, are uncertain due to incomplete …
The only available data set on the catches of global fisheries are the official landings reported annually by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) …
Abstract In 2005, the Sea Around Us described a website (www. seaaroundus. org) which presented, for all maritime countries and large marine ecosystems in the world, one of the …