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Uvod: Karcinom dojke je najčešći maligni tumor kod žena, kako u svetu, tako iu Srbiji. Naša zemlja zauzima prvo mesto u Evropi prema stopi mortaliteta. Pored efikasnosti i bezbednosti …
V Ligade, J Bhegade - Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2020 - japsonline.com
Medical representatives are important members of pharmaceutical companies. They are hired based on some specific criteria like basic knowledge about clinical, pharmaceutical …
Увод: Карцином дојке је најчешћи малигни тумор код жена, како у свету, тако и у Србији. Наша земља заузима прво место у Европи према стопи морталитета. Поред …
A Botchkarev - arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.01891, 2016 - arxiv.org
Economic evaluation is a dynamically advancing knowledge area of health economics. It has been conceived to provide evidence for allocating scarce resources to gain the best …
A Eeesha, K Yogita, T Manju - JK Science: Journal of Medical …, 2022 - journal.jkscience.org
Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Generic Vs Branded preparation of Ferrous Ascorbate in 14 to 24 weeks of Gestational Women Page 1 JK SCIENCE Vol. 24 No. 1, Jan- March 2022 …
Objectif: Cette étude a pour objectif d'estimer le coût médical direct de la prise en charge des enfants atteints de maladies rares au centre de consultations et d'explorations externes …
The progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in India is rapidly increasing. Over 25 million of the people suffering from ESRD, especially …
H Sadia, H Rehman, S Naveed - INDIAN JOURNAL OF …, 2019 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Objective: A review has been carried out to understand pharmacoeconomics and its development in the Asian region. Findings: Pharmacoeconomics is a subset of health …
Economic evaluation (EE) is a dynamically advancing knowledge area of health economics. It has been conceived to provide evidence for allocating scarce resources to gain the best …