There is growing interest in using genetic variants to augment the reference genome into a graph genome, with alternative sequences, to improve read alignment accuracy and reduce …
Motivation Graphs are commonly used to represent sets of sequences. Either edges or nodes can be labeled by sequences, so that each path in the graph spells a concatenated …
Motivation Constructing high-quality haplotype-resolved de novo assemblies of diploid genomes is important for revealing the full extent of structural variation and its role in health …
Motivation Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) remains a major threat to global health. Profiling the collective AMR genes within a metagenome (the 'resistome') facilitates greater …
Background While the reconstruction of transcripts from a sample of RNA-Seq data is a computationally expensive and complicated task, the detection of splicing events from RNA …
Motivation Viruses populate their hosts as a viral quasispecies: a collection of genetically related mutant strains. Viral quasispecies assembly is the reconstruction of strain-specific …
With the emergence of low-cost high-throughput sequencing technologies, numerous studies have shown that a single genome is not enough to identify all the genes present in a …
Motivation Reconstructing high-quality haplotype-resolved assemblies for related individuals has important applications in Mendelian diseases and population genomics …
Graph-based representations are considered to be the future for reference genomes, as they allow integrated representation of the steadily increasing data on individual variation …