A Venugopal, D Shukla - Business Strategy and the …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
A moral engagement with sustainability enhances consumers' willingness to pay an increased rate for renewable energy when utility firms offer a variety of financial incentives to …
Reducing the environmental impacts of energy production and consumption is part of addressing climate change. Prior research finds political-economic factors shape climate …
Zusammenfassung Im Zuge der EEG-Förderung kam es in der Nordwest-Region zu einem dezentralen Ausbau von Windkraft-und Biogasanlagen. Ohne eine breite Akzeptanz solcher …
As part of the renewable energy transition, for the past few years, the Netherlands has been implementing wind farms as its resource, both onshore and offshore. The onshore wind …
At this very moment, the power grid, upon which the citizens of the USA and the world rely, is in a state of major transition. Energy cost fluctuations and bulk-power market volatility have …
This study set out to address whether nuclear energy would be a better bridge fuel than natural gas for the United States to address emissions reductions more quickly. However …