Scholars embrace multilevel governance as an analytical framework for complex problems, such as climate change or water pollution. However, the elements needed to …
Many diverse actions can be taken to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Increasingly in the United States, policy-makers at sub-national levels are setting emission …
An exploration of commercially available technologies that can enhance energy security and address climate change and public policy options crucial to their adoption. Tackling climate …
Despite exhortations to the contrary,'the federal government continues to address issues of purely local effect while the states continue to address issues of national-and even …
Debate over floors versus ceilings was, until recently, largely hypothetical, due to the rarity of federal imposition of ceilings. During the past year, however, in settings ranging from …
The two sides of the environmental law field, pollution control and resource management, share a common focus on the natural materials and services that sustain healthy lives and …
Bridging the fields of federalism and negotiation theory, Negotiating Federalism analyzes how public actors navigate difficult federalism terrain by negotiating directly with …
DE Adelman, KH Engel - Minn. L. Rev., 2007 - HeinOnline
A hallmark of environmental federalism is that neither federal nor state governments limit themselves to what many legal scholars have deemed to be their appropriate domains. The …
DL Millimet - Case W. Res. L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Generally, the debate over environmental federalism strongly focuses on anecdotal evidence and intuition. Empirical facts have not been the focus of arguments concerning the …