L Orellana Calderón, N Álvarez Flores… - …, 2023 - SciELO Argentina
En tiempos recientes, la literatura en psicología sobre orientación sexual ha pasado de centrarse en aspectos negativos experimentados por personas no heterosexuales a …
In a society increasingly marked by religious disaffiliation, this project considers how queer people have in many ways been pioneers and innovators in developing lived spiritualities of …
In this thesis I contribute to the expansion of queer and critical psychology by examining gender and sexuality within a high school setting, with specific reference to 'sex …
Scholarship in the field of critical studies on men and masculinities rarely took into consideration the way in which men who identify in non-normative sexualities and genders …
Seksuaali-ja sukupuolivähemmistöissä olevat kokevat syrjintää. Terveydenhuollon kuuluisi olla syrjinnästä vapaa ympäristö. Valmistuvien sairaanhoitajien voi olla vaikeaa kohdata …