Evolution is controversial among students and religiosity, religious affiliation, understanding of evolution, and demographics are predictors of evolution acceptance. However …
Hundreds of studies have explored student evolution acceptance because evolution is a core concept of biology that many undergraduate biology students struggle to accept …
Researchers who study student acceptance of evolution rely on surveys that are designed to measure evolution acceptance. It is important for these surveys to measure evolution …
Although many scientists agree that evolution does not make claims about God/god (s), students might assume that evolution is atheistic, and this may lead to lower evolution …
Evolution is a prominent component of biology education and remains controversial among college biology students in the United States who are mostly Christian, but science …
Christians are one of the most underrepresented groups in science, and one potential explanation is that scientists have a bias against Christian students, which could discourage …
The evolution education experiences of students of color represent an emerging area of research, because past inquiries indicate these students have differential outcomes, such as …
The theory of evolution is one of the greatest scientific achievements in the intellectual history of humankind, yet it is still contentious within certain social groups. Despite being as …
Hundreds of articles have explored the extent to which individuals accept evolution, and the Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution (MATE) is the most often used survey …