Aims Knowledge about mycorrhizal associations is important for understanding mineral nutrition, stress tolerance and regeneration dynamics of trees. Here we address the …
W Qiang, L He, Y Zhang, B Liu, Y Liu, Q Liu, X Pang - Catena, 2021 - Elsevier
Based on long-term ecological research, microorganisms are sensitive to environmental changes in the process of ecosystem succession. However, few works have focused on the …
To distinguish among hypotheses on the importance of resource‐exchange ratios in outcomes of mutualisms, we measured resource (carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus …
There is increasing interest in using plant mycorrhizal traits–characteristics related to a plant's ability to form mycorrhizal symbiosis–to understand the role of mycorrhizas within and …
Purpose Prunus serotina is a tree species native to north America which successfully invades European temperate forests. In the native range, it forms arbuscular mycorrhizae …
IP Putra, T Aimi, N Shimomura - Mycologia, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The impact of host plant on the mycelial features of mycorrhizal symbiont and its characteristics has been poorly investigated. This study aimed to compare and quantify …
This work presents several topics on the role of mycorrhizal fungi in woodland ecosystem function. We start with an exploration of the subset of ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) with a …
Z Navrátilová, J Matějíčková, J Patočka -
Rostliny rodu koniklec (Pulsatilla Mill.) jsou nízké až středně vysoké trsnaté byliny, s převážně ochlupenými listy i lodyhami, zařazené do čeledě pryskyřníkovitých. Koniklece …
Mezidruhová hybridizace je v rostlinné říši velmi rozšířený fenomén. Je považována za mechanismus, díky kterému vznikají nové adaptace a potenciálně i nové druhy. Nejčastěji …