This article advances and argues the thesis that Slovenia has a low housing standard and that the majority of people live in dwellings that may be described as overcrowded according …
R Sendi, M Aalbers, M Trigueiro - Mass Housing in Europe: Multiple Faces …, 2009 - Springer
In recent years, much concern about the quality of life of the residents of large, post-war housing estates in Europe has focused on the various socio-economic aspects of the …
Zadovoljstvo posameznika s stanovanjem lahko proučujemo z različnih vidikov, saj ga opredeljujejo tako njegove fizikalne lastnosti kot nekatere težko merljive in neotipljive …
Doktorska disertacija raziskuje, kako deluje aktualni slovenski sistem urejanja javnih zelenih površin glede na to, da se pomen javnih zelenih površin za kakovost bivanja v urbanem …
UDC 711.1: 712: 352:(497.4)(043) Autor Maja Simoneti, M. Phil. Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Anton Prosen, Ph. D. Co-advisor Prof. Ana Kučan, Ph. D. Title Comprehensive system of …