R Tucović - Универзитет у Београду, 2021 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
У докторској тези се анализира делатност Драгомира Јовановића и Аугуста Мајснера у окупираној Србији (1941-1944). С обзиром на чињеницу да су ове две личности биле …
The article describes the activity of the Special police in resolving the Jewish question in occupied Serbia, primarily in assisting the Gestapo and cooperating with other quisling and …
The article describes the activity of the Special police in resolving the Jewish question in occupied Serbia, primarily in assisting the Gestapo and cooperating with other quisling and …
Sažetak У раду се анализирају иследни поступци и резултати истрага, спровођени над члановима и симпатизерима КПЈ од стране IV Антикомунистичког одсека Специјалне …
ES Mirković - Baština, 2022 - data-scindeks.ceon.rs
Shortly after the occupation, by order issued on April 25, the authority of the Belgrade Police was re-established, and it was divided into three departments: Administrative, Special police …