How the presence and size of static peripheral blur affects cybersickness in virtual reality

YX Lin, R Venkatakrishnan… - ACM Transactions on …, 2020 -
Cybersickness (CS) is one of the challenges that has hindered the widespread adoption of
Virtual Reality and its applications. Consequently, a number of studies have focused on …

Do head-mounted display stereo deficiencies affect 3D pointing tasks in AR and VR?

AU Batmaz, MDB Machuca, DM Pham… - … IEEE conference on …, 2019 -
Most AR and VR headsets use stereoscopic displays to show virtual objects in 3D. However,
the limitations of current stereo display systems affect depth perception through conflicting …

Evaluating remapped physical reach for hand interactions with passive haptics in virtual reality

DT Han, M Suhail, ED Ragan - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 -
Virtual reality often uses motion tracking to incorporate physical hand movements into
interaction techniques for selection and manipulation of virtual objects. To increase realism …

Omnidirectional galvanic vestibular stimulation in virtual reality

C Groth, JP Tauscher, N Heesen… - IEEE transactions on …, 2022 -
In this paper we propose omnidirectional galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) to mitigate
cybersickness in virtual reality applications. One of the most accepted theories indicates that …

Examining the effects of altered avatars on perception-action in virtual reality.

B Day, E Ebrahimi, LS Hartman… - Journal of …, 2019 -
In virtual reality (VR), avatars are graphical representations of people. Previous research
highlights benefits of having a self-avatar when perceiving-acting while embedded in a …

Investigating the effects of anthropomorphic fidelity of self-avatars on near field depth perception in immersive virtual environments

E Ebrahimi, LS Hartman, A Robb… - … IEEE conference on …, 2018 -
Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs) are becoming more accessible and more widely
utilized for training. Previous research has shown that the matching of visual and …

An empirical evaluation of visuo-haptic feedback on physical reaching behaviors during 3D interaction in real and immersive virtual environments

E Ebrahimi, SV Babu, CC Pagano, S Jörg - ACM Transactions on …, 2016 -
In an initial study, we characterized the properties of human reach motion in the presence or
absence of visuo-haptic feedback in real and Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs) or …

Objects may be farther than they appear: depth compression diminishes over time with repeated calibration in virtual reality

K Kohm, SV Babu, C Pagano… - IEEE transactions on …, 2022 -
Prior research in depth perception and perceptuo-motor calibration have primarily focused
on participants completing experiments in single sessions and therefore do not empirically …

Mitigation of cybersickness in immersive 360 videos

C Groth, JP Tauscher, N Heesen… - … IEEE conference on …, 2021 -
We investigate the mitigation of cybersickness (CS) in 360° videos, a phenomenon caused
by the visually induced impression of ego-motion while being physically at rest. We evaluate …

Locomotive recalibration and prism adaptation of children and teens in immersive virtual environments

H Adams, G Narasimham, J Rieser… - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 -
As virtual reality expands in popularity, an increasingly diverse audience is gaining
exposure to immersive virtual environments (IVEs). A significant body of research has …