MP Koss - Journal of interpersonal violence, 2014 -
The article reports empirical evaluation of RESTORE, a restorative justice (RJ) conferencing program adapted to prosecutor-referred adult misdemeanor and felony sexual assaults …
Campus response to sexual violence is increasingly governed by federal law and administrative guidance such as the 1972 Title IX, the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) …
Sexual violence is a devastating trauma with long-lasting effects on survivors' health and well-being. Despite the substantial impacts of the last 25 years of research, the prevalence …
K Daly - Justice for victims, 2014 -
The argument advanced here is based on two decades of researching and writing on victims' experiences in the aftermath of crime and their desires for justice. It reflects my …
Kathleen Daly despite 30 years of significant change to the way the criminal justice system responds to sexual violence, conviction rates have gone down in Australia, Canada, and …
F Marsh, NM Wager - Probation journal, 2015 -
This study aimed to fill a gap in the debate regarding the application of restorative justice (RJ) conferencing to sexual offences. This gap is currently characterized by absence of …
SL Miller, LA Iovanni - Feminist Criminology, 2013 -
Criticisms of restorative justice (RJ) for gendered violence conceptualize RJ as diversion. A case study of a therapeutic postconviction RJ model for a severe case of intimate partner …
The study examined 'the day after'the# MeToo protest, and proposes channeling the outcry of millions of women toward developing and establishing alternative mechanisms for …
S Jülich, F Landon - Restorative Responses to Sexual Violence, 2017 -
This chapter discusses the difficulties of addressing sexual violence with restorative justice and outlines the Project Restore's practice model. The desk-based case review of twelve …