Some evolutionary consequences of being a tree

RJ Petit, A Hampe - Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst., 2006 -
Trees do not form a natural group but share attributes such as great size, longevity, and high
reproductive output that affect their mode and tempo of evolution. In particular, trees are …

European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) dieback–A conservation biology challenge

M Pautasso, G Aas, V Queloz, O Holdenrieder - Biological conservation, 2013 - Elsevier
Common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) is a keystone tree species throughout temperate Europe
whose future existence is threatened by an emerging invasive fungal disease. Ash dieback …

Simultaneous estimation of null alleles and inbreeding coefficients

IJ Chybicki, J Burczyk - Journal of Heredity, 2009 -
Although microsatellites are a very efficient tool for many population genetics applications,
they may occasionally produce “null” alleles, which, when present in high proportion, may …

The ash dieback crisis: genetic variation in resistance can prove a long‐term solution

LV McKinney, LR Nielsen, DB Collinge… - Plant …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Over the last two decades, ash dieback has become a major problem in E urope, where the
causative fungus has invaded the continent rapidly. The disease is caused by the invasive …

The paradox of forest fragmentation genetics

AT Kramer, JL Ison, MV Ashley… - Conservation …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Theory predicts widespread loss of genetic diversity from drift and inbreeding in trees
subjected to habitat fragmentation, yet empirical support of this theory is scarce. We argue …

Genetic effects of chronic habitat fragmentation in a wind-pollinated tree

AS Jump, J Penuelas - … of the National Academy of Sciences, 2006 - National Acad Sciences
Habitat fragmentation poses a serious threat to plants through genetic changes associated
with increased isolation and reduced population size. However, the longevity of trees …

Effective seed dispersal across a fragmented landscape

CFE Bacles, AJ Lowe, RA Ennos - Science, 2006 -
The role of seed dispersal in maintaining genetic connectivity among forest fragments has
largely been ignored because gene flow by pollen is expected to predominate. By using …

Presence of natural genetic resistance in Fraxinus excelsior (Oleraceae) to Chalara fraxinea (Ascomycota): an emerging infectious disease

LV McKinney, LR Nielsen, JK Hansen, ED Kjær - Heredity, 2011 -
Fraxinus excelsior, common ash native to Europe, is threatened by a recently identified
pathogenic fungus Chalara fraxinea, which causes extensive damage on ash trees across …

Patterns of pollen and seed dispersal in a small, fragmented population of the wind-pollinated tree Araucaria angustifolia in southern Brazil

JVM Bittencourt, AM Sebbenn - Heredity, 2007 -
Paternity analysis based on eight microsatellite loci was used to investigate pollen and seed
dispersal patterns of the dioecious wind-pollinated tree, Araucaria angustifolia. The study …

The resilience of forest fragmentation genetics—no longer a paradox—we were just looking in the wrong place

AJ Lowe, S Cavers, D Boshier, MF Breed… - Heredity, 2015 -
Over the past decade, several studies and reviews have documented the apparent
resilience of widespread tree species to the population genetic consequences of habitat …