This chapter seeks to unpack the role of NUA in reversing the alarming trend in urban food and nutrition insecurity and how cities can respond to food insecurity. Desktop research was …
In the effort to build sustainable and resilient local food systems, a clear understanding of community dynamics and values is essential. This dissertation addresses the critical need to …
Las recientes crisis globales, como la causada por la COVID-19, han puesto más énfasis en la necesidad de sistemas alimentarios locales más resilientes y han acelerado tendencias …
O futuro das cidades passa pela sua capacidade de se tornarem mais sustentáveis, o que exige um planeamento cuidado e medidas específicas que garantam a preservação do …
M Simón Rojo, A Couceiro Arroyo, J Fariña Tojo - Urbano, 2019 -
El interés hacia las redes alimentarias locales y la reconexión entre producción y consumo ha ido creciendo desde mediados de los años 80. El objetivo de relocalización va …
This study aims to examine how local governments originated from the global South, through Urban Food System Strategies (UFSS), are realizing global sustainability priorities …
It is widely known that the majority of humans throughout the world taking part in urban agriculture are women (FAO, 2013). However, not enough is known about why the majority …
S Vanka, D Guru - City and the Region -
With the backdrop of recent governmental and nongovernmental initiatives in Karnataka to promote production and consumption of local food in and outside the state, this research …