Post-truth çağında pazarlama ve tüketim

U Pala, MS İşlek - Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler …, 2021 -
Dijital çağın getirdiği değişimler yaşamın her alanında “post-truth” kavramının irdelenmesini
gerektirmiştir. Teknoloji ve internet aracılığıyla hızla yaygınla-şan kişisel inanç ve duygulara …

Hakikat Savaşları: Postmodern-Postyapısalcı Siyasetin Bakiyesi

Y Suveren - Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2023 -
Dünyanın bir süredir gündeminde olan ve 'hakikat sonrası'(post-truth) dönem olarak
adlandırılan toplumsal ve siyasal durum bir boşlukta oluşmamıştır. Bunu mümkün kılan …

[PDF][PDF] Populist Democracy and the Post-truth Condition

J Ólafsson - Post-Truth Populism: A New Political Paradigm, 2024 -
In the language of pragmatism truth is the opinion 'which is fated to be ultimately agreed to
by all who investigate'(Peirce, 1992, p. 139). This claim rests on the idea that inquiry is a …

The Forms of Expression of Society Virtualization as a Post-Historical Phenomenon (Ukrainian Aspect)

V Okorokova - Postmodern Openings, 2021 -
The article aims to study of one of the relevant issues in the field of the modern post-history,
namely, the virtualization of society. The latter is considered as a result of the postmodern …

The Quest for Ultimate Truth in Ryūnosuke Akutagawa's “In a Grove”

E Prasol - IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship, 2023 -
The paper focuses on Akutagawa's story “In a Grove” and examines it through the framework
of literary modernism and the concepts of traditional Japanese aesthetics such as traditional …

[PDF][PDF] Egia-ostearen analisi filosofiko-pragmatikoa. Egia-ostea, hitzontzikeria eta XXI. mendeko iruzurrak

I Zubia Landa - IV. IKERGAZTE -
The following research is the first part of a wider investigation where I intend to clarify the
relation between “post-truth” and “bullshit”. In this work I aim to face a current gup found in …

The Post-Truth Era and Fake News

F Hasan, S Hassan - Al-Adab Journal, 2024 -
Post-Truth Era is a term used recently by The Oxford Dictionary and it deals with facts have
no much importance in our current world. People show no interest to know the truth and they …

[PDF][PDF] Critique in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

S Grgas - Working Papers in American Studies, Vol. 5 -
After situating his commentary in the time of the pandemic, the author discusses the knee-
jerk, immediate responses to the pandemic which he finds irritating. His reaction is triggered …


Artikulu honetan euskarazko eta frantsesezko ahozko diskurtsoa lantzeko sekuentzia
didaktiko eleaniztun bat aurkeztuko dugu, hizkuntzen trataera bateratuari jarraiki diseinatu …


ТВ Осадчук - Етико-естетична традиція у вітчизняній культурі -
Вважається, що винайшов неологізм «постправда» в 1992 році американець сербського
походження Стів Тесіч, вживши в своїй публіцистичній праці про війну США в Перській …