The role of bioreactor landfill concept in waste management in India

P Sughosh, GL Sivakumar Babu - Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 2021 - Springer
The sustainable landfilling concept has several advantages over conventional waste
management practices in addressing various socio-economic and environmental concerns …

Remediation of typical municipal solid waste dumpsite in Bangalore city

P Sughosh, B Prathima, M Arunkumar… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2021 -
This paper presents an approach to retrofit an existing municipal solid waste (MSW)
dumpsite by enhancing the bioremediation process. The current practice of containing the …

Sustainable Remediation of a Dumpsite

P Sughosh, N Anusree, B Prathima… - … 2019: Geotechnics for …, 2021 - Springer
The current practices of containing the waste in dumpsite/landfill are considered as
unsustainable due to their negative impact on the environment, society and economy …