At first, the concierge was intending to write a genealogy of the economic subject. But he has a fancy for anachronism. That is why he has become a concierge. Or did the anachronism …
El filósofo estadounidense Robert Nozick (1938-2002) publicó en 1974 un libro que se tornó clásico: Anarquía, Estado y Utopía. Nozick, en algún sentido, comprimió determinado …
In 1984, R. Edward Freeman published his landmark book, Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, a work that set the agenda for what we now call stakeholder theory …
EP Stringham - The Routledge Handbook of Libertarianism, 2017 -
Providers of private governance can be geographically based and have a comprehensive set of rules for many aspects of life (as in a boarding school or a kibbutz), or they can be …
Political PhilosoPhy is ambivalent about the use of moDels. for almost fifty years one model— the original position—has been a mainstay of political philosophy. From their nearly half …
Combining international political theory and EU studies, Richard Bellamy provides an original account of the democratic legitimacy of international organisations. He proposes a …
Capitalist societies are full of unacceptable inequalities. Freedom is of paramount importance. These two convictions are widely shared across the world. Yet they often seem …