Summary In 2020, as Latin American countries shuttered their economies, it became clear that effective lockdowns would require states to provide income support. In a region that has …
What characterizes the dynamics of presidential popularity? Research based on the United States of America finds popularity exhibits an almost law-like cyclicality over a president's …
In most national elections, voters face a key choice between continuity and change. Electoral turnovers occur when the incumbent candidate or party fails to win reelection. To …
" In the past two decades, democratically elected executives across the world have used their popularity to push for legislation that, over time, destroys systems of checks and …
Public approval is a crucial source of executive power in presidential systems. Does the public support female and male presidents similarly? Combining insights from gender and …
Political movements founded by charismatic leaders are often considered ephemeral. Existing literature argues that because they rest on unmediated, emotional attachments …
C Reyes-Housholder - Political Research Quarterly, 2020 -
The rise of female chief executives appears to signal gender progress, but this may not be unequivocally so. This article advances a contextual theory for the role of gender on leaders' …
KVS Frederiksen - European Journal of Political Research, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Democratically elected incumbents have engaged in subverting democracy without losing popular support in several countries in recent years. It remains a puzzle that this …
In the context of the 4th industrial revolution, we are noticing the digital transformation of all economic sectors, allowing to increase productivity and competitiveness. This digital …