" It's December 4th, nearly a month after a contentious election, and Joe is just beginning a typical Thursday. Living in a big city means he can take public transit to work, and that's what …
T Orian Harel - Information, Communication & Society, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Social media is thought to play a pivotal role in increasing animosity between opposing partisans, ie, affective polarization. This study focuses on one context that is assumed to …
While scholars have long recognized that social networks impact political engagement for partisans, comparatively little work has examined the role of networks for independent …
Democratic theorists delineate several requirements for mass publics in democratic societies. These include holding policy preferences, deliberating over competing viewpoints …
Discussion and deliberation have long been upheld as cornerstone activities of functioning democracies (Habermas 1991; Fishkin 1991). For a democracy to flourish, both mass …
Der Beitrag ist folgendermaßen gegliedert: Im zweiten Abschnitt werden einige zentrale Begriffe definiert, die für das Verständnis der Wahl-und Einstellungsforschung generell wie …
HJ Yun - Social Media Politics - taylorfrancis.com
This study examines the role of partisan social bonding and bridging in the new digital media era to provide a theoretical proposition for the unprecedentedly polarized 2020 …
This dissertation explores the social dimensions of people that differentially predispose them to participate in politics. Politics is inherently social, yet crucial social interaction dispositions …
Political discussions—especially when they involve disagreement—can decrease polar- ization and better inform the public. Yet people are strongly averse to them. We propose that …