The evolution of android malware and android analysis techniques

K Tam, A Feizollah, NB Anuar, R Salleh… - ACM Computing …, 2017 -
With the integration of mobile devices into daily life, smartphones are privy to increasing
amounts of sensitive information. Sophisticated mobile malware, particularly Android …

Securing android: a survey, taxonomy, and challenges

Sufatrio, DJJ Tan, TW Chua, VLL Thing - ACM Computing Surveys …, 2015 -
Recent years have seen a global adoption of smart mobile devices, particularly those based
on Android. However, Android's widespread adoption is marred with increasingly rampant …

Dissecting android malware: Characterization and evolution

Y Zhou, X Jiang - 2012 IEEE symposium on security and …, 2012 -
The popularity and adoption of smart phones has greatly stimulated the spread of mobile
malware, especially on the popular platforms such as Android. In light of their rapid growth …

Taintdroid: an information-flow tracking system for realtime privacy monitoring on smartphones

W Enck, P Gilbert, S Han, V Tendulkar… - ACM Transactions on …, 2014 -
Today's smartphone operating systems frequently fail to provide users with visibility into how
third-party applications collect and share their private data. We address these shortcomings …

Fear and logging in the internet of things

Q Wang, WU Hassan, A Bates, C Gunter - Network and Distributed …, 2018 -
As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to proliferate, diagnosing incorrect behavior within
increasingly-automated homes becomes considerably more difficult. Devices and apps may …

[PDF][PDF] Hey, you, get off of my market: detecting malicious apps in official and alternative android markets.

Y Zhou, Z Wang, W Zhou, X Jiang - NDSS, 2012 -
In this paper, we present a systematic study for the detection of malicious applications (or
apps) on popular Android Markets. To this end, we first propose a permissionbased …

Chex: statically vetting android apps for component hijacking vulnerabilities

L Lu, Z Li, Z Wu, W Lee, G Jiang - … of the 2012 ACM conference on …, 2012 -
An enormous number of apps have been developed for Android in recent years, making it
one of the most popular mobile operating systems. However, the quality of the booming …

Riskranker: scalable and accurate zero-day android malware detection

M Grace, Y Zhou, Q Zhang, S Zou, X Jiang - Proceedings of the 10th …, 2012 -
Smartphone sales have recently experienced explosive growth. Their popularity also
encourages malware authors to penetrate various mobile marketplaces with malicious …

Pivot tracing: Dynamic causal monitoring for distributed systems

J Mace, R Roelke, R Fonseca - ACM Transactions on Computer Systems …, 2018 -
Monitoring and troubleshooting distributed systems is notoriously difficult; potential problems
are complex, varied, and unpredictable. The monitoring and diagnosis tools commonly used …

Detecting repackaged smartphone applications in third-party android marketplaces

W Zhou, Y Zhou, X Jiang, P Ning - … of the second ACM conference on …, 2012 -
Recent years have witnessed incredible popularity and adoption of smartphones and mobile
devices, which is accompanied by large amount and wide variety of feature-rich smartphone …