Matching and record linkage

WE Winkler - Wiley interdisciplinary reviews: Computational …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This overview gives background on a number of statistical methods that have been proven
effective for record linkage. To prepare data for the main computational algorithms, we need …

[图书][B] The data matching process

P Christen, P Christen - 2012 - Springer
This chapter provides an overview of the data matching process, and describes the five
major steps involved in this process: data pre-processing (cleaning and standardisation) …

Duplicate record detection: A survey

AK Elmagarmid, PG Ipeirotis… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2006 -
Often, in the real world, entities have two or more representations in databases. Duplicate
records do not share a common key and/or they contain errors that make duplicate matching …

Information extraction

S Sarawagi - Foundations and Trends® in Databases, 2008 -
The automatic extraction of information from unstructured sources has opened up new
avenues for querying, organizing, and analyzing data by drawing upon the clean semantics …

Data-Centric Systems and Applications

MJ Carey, S Ceri, P Bernstein, U Dayal, C Faloutsos… - Italy: Springer, 2006 - Springer
The rapid growth of the Web in the past two decades has made it the largest publicly
accessible data source in the world. Web mining aims to discover useful information or …

Entity extraction, linking, classification, and tagging for social media: a wikipedia-based approach

R Kumar, DS Lamba, N Garera, M Tiwari… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 -
Many applications that process social data, such as tweets, must extract entities from tweets
(eg," Obama" and" Hawaii" in" Obama went to Hawaii"), link them to entities in a knowledge …

[图书][B] Methodological developments in data linkage

K Harron, H Goldstein, C Dibben - 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The increasing availability of large administrative databases for research has led to a
dramatic rise in the use of data linkage. The speed and accuracy of linkage have much …

[PDF][PDF] Learning 5000 relational extractors

R Hoffmann, C Zhang, DS Weld - … of the 48th Annual Meeting of …, 2010 -
Many researchers are trying to use information extraction (IE) to create large-scale
knowledge bases from natural language text on the Web. However, the primary approach …

A survey on region extractors from web documents

HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge …, 2012 -
Extracting information from web documents has become a research area in which new
proposals sprout out year after year. This has motivated several researchers to work on …

Building mashups by example

R Tuchinda, P Szekely, CA Knoblock - Proceedings of the 13th …, 2008 -
Creating a Mashup, a web application that integrates data from multiple web sources to
provide a unique service, involves solving multiple problems, such as extracting data from …