J Belás - Review of Economic Perspectives, 2013 - sciendo.com
The importance of ethical standards for financial markets is based on the purpose of commercial banks and other financial institutions which operate with money of others …
J Belás, L Homolka - Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et …, 2013 - publikace.k.utb.cz
Satisfaction of bank's customers presents important area of building of long-term relationships with the client, which significantly determines the financial performance of …
The aim of this paper was to examine the feelings of customers while communicating with the banks in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the context of their buying habits. A …
L Tarhaničová, J Glova - Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2016 - ceeol.com
The competition in banking industry is nowadays very high. A model one bank for all life is no longer applicable and the clients are more informed, but also more demanding regarding …
O Strapeková - Otázky žurnalistiky, 2020 - ceeol.com
The work examines tools and principles of investor relations in the context of corporate communication as a whole. The author defines the theoretical background in connection …
J Belás - Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series …, 2012 - dk.upce.cz
Aim of this article is to examine the bank's customer's satisfaction in relation to bank's employees approach to accept customer's financial needs and to assess the relationship …
A Kusá, S Bellová - Communication Today, 2012 - communicationtoday.sk
Young people play a specific role in financial institutions. Their role depends on the group, to which they fall into. The first group are young people who have not established any …
The paper deals with the problem of effective and aesthetic exploitation of sounds, jangle, music and silence in making an atmosphere of stress and fear in horror movies. The authors …
Anotace Predložená bakalárska práca poskytne stručný prehľad trhového segmentu logistiky prostredníctvom jej analýzy v Českej republike a tiež analyzuje postavenie firmy …