Holistic network virtualization and pervasive network intelligence for 6G

X Shen, J Gao, W Wu, M Li, C Zhou… - … Surveys & Tutorials, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this tutorial paper, we look into the evolution and prospect of network architecture and
propose a novel conceptual architecture for the 6th generation (6G) networks. The proposed …

Ensemble learning: A survey

O Sagi, L Rokach - Wiley interdisciplinary reviews: data mining …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Ensemble methods are considered the state‐of‐the art solution for many machine learning
challenges. Such methods improve the predictive performance of a single model by training …

From clustering to clustering ensemble selection: A review

K Golalipour, E Akbari, SS Hamidi, M Lee… - … Applications of Artificial …, 2021 - Elsevier
Clustering, as an unsupervised learning, is aimed at discovering the natural groupings of a
set of patterns, points, or objects. In clustering algorithms, a significant problem is the …

A comprehensive survey of clustering algorithms

D Xu, Y Tian - Annals of data science, 2015 - Springer
Data analysis is used as a common method in modern science research, which is across
communication science, computer science and biology science. Clustering, as the basic …

[图书][B] Advances in K-means clustering: a data mining thinking

J Wu - 2012 - books.google.com
Nearly everyone knows K-means algorithm in the fields of data mining and business
intelligence. But the ever-emerging data with extremely complicated characteristics bring …

A survey of clustering ensemble algorithms

S Vega-Pons, J Ruiz-Shulcloper - International Journal of Pattern …, 2011 - World Scientific
Cluster ensemble has proved to be a good alternative when facing cluster analysis
problems. It consists of generating a set of clusterings from the same dataset and combining …

Clustering aggregation

A Gionis, H Mannila, P Tsaparas - Acm transactions on knowledge …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
We consider the following problem: given a set of clusterings, find a single clustering that
agrees as much as possible with the input clusterings. This problem, clustering aggregation …

A survey of evolutionary algorithms for clustering

ER Hruschka, RJGB Campello… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a survey of evolutionary algorithms designed for clustering tasks. It tries
to reflect the profile of this area by focusing more on those subjects that have been given …

An evolutionary approach to multiobjective clustering

J Handl, J Knowles - IEEE transactions on Evolutionary …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The framework of multiobjective optimization is used to tackle the unsupervised learning
problem, data clustering, following a formulation first proposed in the statistics literature. The …

Solving cluster ensemble problems by bipartite graph partitioning

XZ Fern, CE Brodley - Proceedings of the twenty-first international …, 2004 - dl.acm.org
A critical problem in cluster ensemble research is how to combine multiple clusterings to
yield a final superior clustering result. Leveraging advanced graph partitioning techniques …