Algorithms and mathematical model for determining shunt power of intelligent track section control sensor

R Aliev, M Aliev - E3S Web of Conferences, 2023 -
The normal operating state of jointless and butt track circuits depends on the state of change
in the insulation resistance; respectively, the correct choice of the maximum and minimum …

Algorithm and software tools for optimizing the preparation of routes on high-speed lines based on RFID technology

R Aliev, M Aliev, E Tokhirov - E3S Web of Conferences, 2023 -
On railways of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on hauls" Dashtabad-Zarbdar" and" Dashtabad-
Bayaut" on section Tashkent-Samarkand and Navoi-Bukhara-1, on section Samarkand …

Determination of the optimal parameters of the control sensor at the crossing in the control mode

R Aliev, M Aliev, S Khakimov - E3S Web of Conferences, 2023 -
On railway sections where there are intersections with road transport, control systems for
crossing signaling with auto barriers are arranged. To control the entrance of the train to this …

Method for determining sensor parameters railway automatics

R Aliev, E Tokhirov - E3S Web of Conferences, 2023 -
The article analyzes the operation of relative track circuits, which shows that they are able to
provide reliable control of the state of the rail line in extreme climatic conditions. Reliable …

[HTML][HTML] Korxonalarda avtomatlashtirilgan ish о 'rnilarini (aiо ') loyihalashni tashkil etish xususida

Р Ибрагимов, Т Ташметов, К Ташметов… - Актуальные вопросы …, 2022 -
Ushbu maqolani yozishdan maqsad boshqaruv personalining lokal avtomatlashtirilgan ish о
'rnini (AIО ') loyihalashda amaliy kо 'nikmalarni egallash hisoblanadi. Odatda kadrlar bо 'limi …

[HTML][HTML] Средств защиты информации локалных сетей

Т Ташметов, К Ташметов… - Актуальные вопросы …, 2022 -
Проанализированы возможные последствия несанкционированного доступа к
электронной информации. Рассмотрены функции нейронных сетей, позволяющие или …


K Ezoza, T Ezozbek - Universum: технические науки, 2023 -
In the article, parking problems in the city, its various causes and approaches that have not
yet been successful are reviewed. Modern technologies and techniques in this regard have …

[HTML][HTML] Datchiklardan olingan ma'lumotlarni ma'lumotlar bazasidan mobil ilova yoramida o 'qish, uzatish va qayta ishlash

Р Алиев, Ш Хакимов, Ж Гуламов - Актуальные вопросы развития …, 2022 -
Ushbu maqolada mobil ilova yordamida ma'lumotlar bazasidan ma'lumotlarni o 'qish, qayta
ishlash va uzatish jarayonlari C# dasturlash tilini o 'rganish ma'lumotlari misolida ko 'rib …

O 'zbekiston temir yo 'l transportidagi innovatsion axborot texnologiyalari tahlili

С Алиева, Р Алиев, М Алиев - Актуальные вопросы развития …, 2022 -
Аннотация Annotatsiya: Maqolada monitoring va kuzatish uchun asosiy axborot tizimlari
muhokama qilinadi, yuk tashishning ishonchliligi uchun foydalaniladi, shuningdek, O …

[HTML][HTML] Formulation of customer's orders on the online platform based on supply and demand

М Шукириллаева, Э Тохиров - Актуальные вопросы развития …, 2022 -
Formulation of customer’s orders on the online platform based on supply and demand – тема
научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре читайте бесплатно текст научно-исследовательской …