1.1 Background About four decades ago, professor Stewart Myers coined the term" real options" in a well-known paper [Mye77], observing that corporate investment opportunities …
MF Mpwanya, CH Van Heerden - South African Journal of Economic …, 2017 - journals.co.za
Background: The costs incurred in the provision of products and services across the supply chain are on the rise in many industries, including the mobile phone industry. Despite this …
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The reallocation of radio spectrum to valuable new and emerging technologies and services is essential to achieving the next wave of productivity and consumer benefits driven by ICT …
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Yatırım ve düzenlemeler arasındaki ilişki ekonomi literatüründe önemli bir yere sahiptir. Konu, şebeke endüstrileri bakımından, özellikle pazara yeni girişlerin düzenlenmesi …
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In the context of international trade, we explore the role of strategic commitments by a local government concerning tariffs in the presence of firms' corporate social responsibility (CSR) …
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This paper contains the analysis of pitfalls related with innovationbased investments valuation. Being long-term projects with high uncertainty, innovation-based investments …
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This paper investigates whether there is any 'hidden value'other than the calculated one using traditional valuation techniques (TVTs). In order to extract the hidden value, the real …
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Abstract Information, Communication and Media Markets (ICMM) are in a process of tremendous change. IP-based technologies and services such as broadband and …
De stijgende vraag naar bandbreedte vereist het vernieuwen van telecomnetwerken, door bestaande vaste netwerken te vervangen door glasvezelnetwerken of door nieuwe …