[PDF][PDF] Can we identify manna ash (Fraxinus ornus L.) "smart forests" in Banatului Mountains?

L Dincǎ, E Vechiu, A Oneț - 2020 - researchgate.net
Smart forests can be identified based on forest management plans if 15 stand, landscape or
stational characteristics are taken into account. A total number of 34 smart stands were …

[PDF][PDF] Characteristics of forest soils from Sibiu County

L Dincă - Scientific studies and research, Biology, 2020 - pubs.ub.ro
Sibiu County covers 5.432 km2, namely 2.28% of the country's surface (https://ro. wikipedia.
org/wiki/Jude% C8% 9). 34% of its surface is covered by forests from which 119.370 ha are …

[PDF][PDF] Changes in soil reaction under the influence of mineral fertilization.

D Pîslea, F Sala - 2012 - rjas.ro
The aim of our research was to assess the impact of some chemical fertilizers on the acidity
of the soil. Soil reaction, or pH, is an important agrochemical indicator of the growth medium …

Principalele specii de dăunători a culturilor de legume în teren protejat

D BURDUJA - 2024 - repository.utm.md
Scopul lucrării: Scopul acestei lucrări este de a determina eficacitatea biologică a
feromonului sexual–Tuta Protect cu substanța activă (E, Z, Z)-3, 8, 11-acetat de …

[PDF][PDF] Contributions to the study of mineralogy and geochemistry of hortic anthrosols from Bacău glasshouses

F Filipov, D Bulgariu, C Secu, N Buzgar, M Stoian - 2008 - uaiasi.ro
In this paper are presented the preliminary results of studies regarding the mineralogy and
geochemistry of hortic anthrosol (profile BC. 1) from Bacău glasshouse (Romania). Have …

[PDF][PDF] Contributions to the study of organic-mineral complexes from hortic anthrosols

D Bulgariu, N Buzgar, F Filipov - Scientific Papers Journal of University of …, 2008 - uaiasi.ro
In this paper are presented the preliminary results of studies concerning the composition,
structure and stability of organic-mineral complexes from hortic anthrosols. The separation of …

Pedogeochemistry of hortic anthrosol from Copou greenhouse–Iaşi (I)

D Bulgariu, F Filipov, C Rusu, L Bulgariu - 2012 - repository.uaiasi.ro
The soil from Copou greenhouse–Iasi is a mixic-proxicalcaric-hipohortic entianthrosol
(profile IS. 1), associated with proxicalcaric–hortic-anthrosol (profile IS. 2). Characteristic for …

[PDF][PDF] Framing and describing common beech stands from the southern carpatians in the smart forests category

L Dinca, M Dinca - Structure, 2020 - landreclamationjournal.usamv.ro
The present paper intends for the first time to frame common beech from the Southern
Carpathians in the smart forest's category, a new concept similar with Climate-Smart …

[PDF][PDF] Cercetări privind comportarea în pepinieră a unor soiuri noi de viţă de vie obţinute la Staţiunea de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Viticultură şi Vinificaţie Iaşi

VI Cimpoi - 2022 - repository.uaiasi.ro
Vița de vie este o plantă cunoscută din cele mai vechi timpuri, aceasta fiind cultivată la
început pe rădăcini proprii. Altoirea viței de vie a apărut datorită introducerii în Europa a …

Pedogeochemistry of hortic anthrosol from Copou greenhouse–Iaşi (II)

D Bulgariu, F Filipov, C Rusu, L Bulgariu - 2012 - repository.uaiasi.ro
The mineralogy of anthrosol from Copou greenhouse–Iasi is dominated by clay minerals
that appears in a variety of types and occurrence forms, and has specific variations on …