Generating and exploiting large-scale pseudo training data for zero pronoun resolution

T Liu, Y Cui, Q Yin, W Zhang, S Wang, G Hu - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2016 -
Most existing approaches for zero pronoun resolution are heavily relying on annotated data,
which is often released by shared task organizers. Therefore, the lack of annotated data …

Chinese zero pronoun resolution with deep memory network

Q Yin, Y Zhang, W Zhang, T Liu - Proceedings of the 2017 …, 2017 -
Existing approaches for Chinese zero pronoun resolution typically utilize only syntactical
and lexical features while ignoring semantic information. The fundamental reason is that …

A deep neural network for Chinese zero pronoun resolution

Q Yin, W Zhang, Y Zhang, T Liu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.05800, 2016 -
Existing approaches for Chinese zero pronoun resolution overlook semantic information.
This is because zero pronouns have no descriptive information, which results in difficulty in …

Investigating Multilingual Coreference Resolution by Universal Annotations

H Chai, M Strube - arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.17734, 2023 -
Multilingual coreference resolution (MCR) has been a long-standing and challenging task.
With the newly proposed multilingual coreference dataset, CorefUD (Nedoluzhko et al …


Z Yang, Z Gong, F Kong, G Zhou - Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao, 2017 -
摘要针对中文篇章中的零指代问题, 提出一种基于中英文可比较语料进行中文零指代识别和消解
的方法, 并提出英文对等句的概念. 利用对等句, 重新定义句子间隔, 并引入双语词对齐特征 …

Chinese common noun phrase resolution: an unsupervised probabilistic model rivaling supervised resolvers

C Chen, V Ng - Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial …, 2015 -
Pronoun resolution and common noun phrase resolution are the two most challenging
subtasks of coreference resolution. While a lot of work has focused on pronoun resolution …

[PDF][PDF] A Study on Bilingually Informed Coreference Resolution.

M Novák - ITAT, 2018 -
Coreference is a basic means to retain coherence of a text that likely exists in every
language. However, languages may differ in how a coreference relation is manifested on the …


M Novák - 2018 -
The subject of this monograph is to study properties of coreference using cross-lingual
approaches. Before we start discussing the particular topics that this book deals with, let us …

[引用][C] 汉语篇章理解研究综述

孔芳, 王红玲, 周国栋 - 软件学报, 2019

[引用][C] 汉语表述识别与指代消解

黄学华, 孔芳, 周国栋 - 计算机工程, 2016