Climate change is multi-faceted, and includes changing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, rising temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, and …
Changes in the growing-season lengths of temperate trees greatly affect biotic interactions and global carbon balance. Yet future growing-season trajectories remain highly uncertain …
Vegetation phenology is highly sensitive to climate change. Phenology also controls many feedbacks of vegetation to the climate system by influencing the seasonality of albedo …
Autumn phenology plays a critical role in regulating climate–biosphere interactions. However, the climatic drivers of autumn phenology remain unclear. In this study, we applied …
The degree to which elevated CO2 concentrations (e [CO2]) increase the amount of carbon (C) assimilated by vegetation plays a key role in climate change. However, due to the short …
Recent IPCC projections suggest that Africa will be subject to particularly severe changes in atmospheric conditions. How the vegetation of Africa and particularly the grassland …
Photosynthetic phenology has large effects on the land–atmosphere carbon exchange. Due to limited experimental assessments, a comprehensive understanding of the variations of …
Plant growth and development depend on the availability of carbohydrates synthesised in photosynthesis (source activity) and utilisation of these carbohydrates for growth (sink …
Riparian ecosystems, already greatly altered by water management, land development, and biological invasion, are being further altered by increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations …