The concept of 'smart living'is becoming increasingly prevalent in discussions about anticipated energy futures. However, despite the promises surrounding smart technology …
Teacher dashboards are visual displays that provide information to teachers about their learners. In this article, we address teacher dashboards in the context of computer …
Despite growing interest, public uptake of 'smart home technologies' in the UK remains low. Barriers for accepting and opting to use smart home technologies have been linked to …
Die Studie zeigt, dass etwas Alltägliches wie das Heizen in privaten Haushalten ein komplexes soziales Phänomen darstellt. Technologische Entwicklungen wie Passivhäuser …
The adoption of heat pumps (HP) with smart heating controls (SHC) for demand response (DR) is expected to play a critical role in the decarbonisation of heat in the UK. It could …
Die Energiewende in den eigenen vier Wänden Page 1 Die Energiewende in den eigenen vier Wänden Alltägliche Heizpraktiken im Wandel Johanna Sophie Matzat Umweltsoziologie l 8 …