Improvements to creativity in singing abilities based on perspective of studies on interaction between speech production and auditory perception

M Unoki, K Nishimoto - 2012 Seventh International Conference …, 2012 -
Singing and speaking are important and natural ways in communications for humans to
express nonlinguistic and linguistic information. It seems the majority of common people …

Study on effects of presence of cue-tone on psychophysical tuning curves

S Kidani, R Miyauchi, M Unoki - Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 2013 -
Human can hear the target sound selectively from among various sounds. There have been
many studies about mechanism of selective listening [1]. Our previous studies indicated that …

[PDF][PDF] Effects of the presence of cue tone in signal detection varies with relationships between cue tone and signal frequencies

S Kidani, R Miyauchi, M Unoki -
Our aims in this paper are to find out whether the improvements in the frequency selectivity
can be observed in the probe frequency, and whether this effect is affected by the difference …


木谷俊介, 宮内良太, 鵜木祐史 - 日本音響学会誌, 2012 -
抄録 ヒトは, 様々な音の中から目的音を聴取する際に, 手がかり音をあらかじめ聞いておくことで,
目的音をより容易に検知できる. 本論文では, 手がかり音によって, 聴覚末梢系における周波数分析 …


赤木正人 - 2011 -
本研究では, 音声生成と音声知覚の密接な関係を示す例として 「聴覚フィードバック」
を取り上げ,「聴覚フィードバック時に脳のどの部位がどの順番で関与しているか」 について, fMRI …

[PDF][PDF] 様式C-19 科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書

交付決定額, 直接経費, 間接経費, 研究分野 - PLoS One, 2011 -
研究成果の概要 (和文): 人口規模拡大による経済効率を求めた平成の大合併は,
住民の生活という目線で見れば, 必ずしも適切な手法とは言えない. 合併後でも …