Understanding the behavior of an impurity strongly interacting with a Fermi sea is a long- standing challenge in many-body physics. When the interactions are short ranged, two …
A few years ago, flow equations were introduced as a technique for calculating the ground- state energies of cold Bose gases with and without impurities. In this paper, we extend this …
Molecules constitute compact hybrid quantum optical systems that can interface photons, electronic degrees of freedom, localized mechanical vibrations, and phonons. In particular …
We study the fate of an impurity in an ultracold heteronuclear Bose mixture, focusing on the experimentally relevant case of a K 41-Rb 87 mixture, with the impurity in a K 41 hyperfine …
Studies on the experimental realization of two-dimensional anyons in terms of quasiparticles have been restricted, so far, to only anyons on the plane. It is known, however, that the …
Molecules constitute compact hybrid quantum optical systems that can efficiently interface mechanical degrees of freedom with optical or infrared transitions. However, the coupling of …
D Mitrouskas, P Pickl - arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.02841, 2021 - arxiv.org
We study the dynamics of a small number of impurity particles coupled to the ideal Fermi gas in a $ d $-dimensional box. The impurities interact with the fermions via a two-body potential …
We present a low-scaling diagrammatic Monte Carlo approach to molecular correlation energies. Using combinatorial graph theory to encode many-body Hugenholtz diagrams, we …
The oft-quoted dictum by Arthur Schawlow:``A diatomic molecule has one atom too many''has been disavowed. Inspired by the possibility to experimentally manipulate and …