Gaussian quantum information

C Weedbrook, S Pirandola, R García-Patrón… - Reviews of Modern …, 2012 - APS
The science of quantum information has arisen over the last two decades centered on the
manipulation of individual quanta of information, known as quantum bits or qubits. Quantum …

Continuous-variable quantum computing in the quantum optical frequency comb

O Pfister - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical …, 2019 -
This topical review introduces the theoretical and experimental advances in continuous-
variable (CV)—ie qumode-based in lieu of qubit-based—large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum …

Parallel generation of quadripartite cluster entanglement in the optical frequency comb

M Pysher, Y Miwa, R Shahrokhshahi, R Bloomer… - Physical review …, 2011 - APS
Scalability and coherence are two essential requirements for the experimental
implementation of quantum information and quantum computing. Here, we report a …

One-way quantum computing in the optical frequency comb

NC Menicucci, ST Flammia, O Pfister - Physical review letters, 2008 - APS
One-way quantum computing allows any quantum algorithm to be implemented easily using
just measurements. The difficult part is creating the universal resource, a cluster state, on …

Experimental generation of four-mode continuous-variable cluster states

M Yukawa, R Ukai, P Van Loock, A Furusawa - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2008 - APS
Continuous-variable Gaussian cluster states are a potential resource for universal quantum
computation. They can be efficiently and unconditionally built from sources of squeezed light …

Graphical calculus for Gaussian pure states

NC Menicucci, ST Flammia, P van Loock - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2011 - APS
We provide a unified graphical calculus for all Gaussian pure states, including graph
transformation rules for all local and semilocal Gaussian unitary operations, as well as local …

Temporal-mode continuous-variable cluster states using linear optics

NC Menicucci - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2011 - APS
An extensible experimental design for optical continuous-variable cluster states of arbitrary
size using four offline (vacuum) squeezers and six beam splitters is presented. This method …

Quasi-phase-matching of momentum and energy in nonlinear optical processes

A Bahabad, MM Murnane, HC Kapteyn - Nature Photonics, 2010 -
Quasi-phase-matching is an important technique in nonlinear optics and is in widespread
use. It not only makes efficient frequency conversion possible, but also enables diverse …

Generation of optical combs in a whispering gallery mode resonator from a bichromatic pump

DV Strekalov, N Yu - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2009 - APS
An optical comb is shown to arise from a whispering gallery mode resonator pumped by two
optical frequencies. Two externally excited modes couple due to Kerr nonlinearity to initially …

Weaving quantum optical frequency combs into continuous-variable hypercubic cluster states

P Wang, M Chen, NC Menicucci, O Pfister - Physical Review A, 2014 - APS
Cluster states with higher-dimensional lattices that cannot be physically embedded in three-
dimensional space have important theoretical interest in quantum computation and quantum …