The BCS–BEC crossover: From ultra-cold Fermi gases to nuclear systems

GC Strinati, P Pieri, G Röpke, P Schuck, M Urban - Physics Reports, 2018 - Elsevier
This report addresses topics and questions of common interest in the fields of ultra-cold
gases and nuclear physics in the context of the BCS–BEC crossover. By this crossover, the …

Fermi gases in one dimension: From Bethe ansatz to experiments

XW Guan, MT Batchelor, C Lee - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2013 - APS
This article reviews theoretical and experimental developments for one-dimensional Fermi
gases. Specifically, the experimentally realized two-component delta-function interacting …

Bose polarons near quantum criticality

ZZ Yan, Y Ni, C Robens, MW Zwierlein - Science, 2020 -
The emergence of quasiparticles in interacting matter represents one of the cornerstones of
modern physics. However, in the vicinity of a quantum critical point, the existence of …

Generalized hydrodynamics in the one-dimensional Bose gas: theory and experiments

I Bouchoule, J Dubail - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory …, 2022 -
We review the recent theoretical and experimental progress regarding the generalized
hydrodynamics (GHD) behavior of the one-dimensional (1D) Bose gas with contact …

Quantum phase transitions

S Sachdev - Physics world, 1999 -
NATURE abounds with phase transitions. The boiling and freezing of water are everyday
examples of phase transitions, as are more exotic processes such as superconductivity and …

Crossover from Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer to Bose-Einstein condensation and the unitary Fermi gas

M Randeria, E Taylor - Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys., 2014 -
The crossover from weak-coupling Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) pairing to a Bose-
Einstein condensate (BEC) of tightly bound pairs, as a function of the attractive interaction in …

Universal many-body response of heavy impurities coupled to a Fermi sea: a review of recent progress

R Schmidt, M Knap, DA Ivanov, JS You… - Reports on Progress …, 2018 -
In this report we discuss the dynamical response of heavy quantum impurities immersed in a
Fermi gas at zero and at finite temperature. Studying both the frequency and the time …

[HTML][HTML] Repulsive Fermi and Bose polarons in quantum gases

F Scazza, M Zaccanti, P Massignan, MM Parish… - Atoms, 2022 -
Polaron quasiparticles are formed when a mobile impurity is coupled to the elementary
excitations of a many-particle background. In the field of ultracold atoms, the study of the …

Universal properties of the ultracold Fermi gas

S Zhang, AJ Leggett - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2009 - APS
We present some general considerations on the properties of a two-component ultracold
Fermi gas along the BEC-BCS crossover. It is shown that the interaction energy and the free …

Measurements of Tan's contact in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate

RJ Wild, P Makotyn, JM Pino, EA Cornell, DS Jin - Physical review letters, 2012 - APS
A powerful set of universal relations, centered on a quantity called the contact, connects the
strength of short-range two-body correlations to the thermodynamics of a many-body system …