Dynamics of the COVID-19 contagion and mortality: Country factors, social media, and market response evidence from a global panel analysis

P Staszkiewicz, I Chomiak-Orsa, I Staszkiewicz - Ieee Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This research asks how an epidemic affects human behaviour. Probably the COVID-19
contagion is the most adverse global public health, economic, social, and technological …

Prediction of failure in reorganization agreements under Colombia's Corporate Insolvency Act

I Abinzano, H Bonilla, L Muga - Academia Revista Latinoamericana …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the impact of the implementation
of Colombian Corporate Insolvency Act 1116 of 2006 in the period 2008–2018 and to …

Modeling financial distress and bankruptcy

M Gruszczyński, M Gruszczyński - Financial Microeconometrics: A …, 2020 - Springer
Modeling bankruptcy and financial distress is the most common area of statistical–
econometric research in empirical corporate finance. Information regarding financial …

[PDF][PDF] A multi-class model to predict the result of the legal insolvency proceedings

D Pastor-Vega, SM Fernández-Miguélez… - 2019 - catedradeviabilidadempresarial.com
A small number of studies have been carried out to build models with which to predict the
results of the insolvency proceedings. In addition, there are no models that have …

[PDF][PDF] Limitations of postaltman models. The current of research inspired by the achievements of Professor Marek Gruszczyński

R Górska, P Staszkiewicz - researchgate.net
The topic of the article is postaltman's models of prediction of enterprise bankruptcy and their
limitations. At the same time, due to the fact that bankruptcy and bankruptcy forecasting is …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of COVID-19 Contagion on Digital Transformation and Economy

JK Olorundare, CN Ahiauzu… - American Journal of …, 2020 - researchgate.net
The novel COVID-19 compelled an unannounced and indefinite holiday in the world with a
ripple effect of the global economy downturn. As a result, businesses all over the world have …

[PDF][PDF] Ograniczenia modeli postaltmanowskich. Nurt badań inspirowany dorobkiem Prof. Marka Gruszczyńskiego

R Górska, P Staszkiewicz - Tom II - agathos.sgh.waw.pl
Tematem artykułu są modele postaltmanowskie predykcji bankructwa przedsiębiorstw oraz
ich ograniczenia. Jednocześnie ponieważ prognozowanie bankructwa i upadłości jest …