Petros Iosifidis addresses an increasingly prominent subject area in the field of media and communications, and one that has attracted increased attention in areas such as sociology …
While Canada is known for its official commitment to diversity, a close look at our media reveals that though they frequently promote superficial representations of difference, they …
C Fuchs - Fast Capitalism, 2011 -
Google is the world's most accessed web platform: 46.0% of worldwide Internet users accessed Google in a three-month period (data source: alexa. com, http://internetworldstats …
This volume provides an innovative and timely approach to a fast growing, yet still under- studied field in Latin American cultural production: digital online culture. It focuses on the …
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Huffington Post i wiele innych. Za nowomedialną „społecznościową fasadą” równości, partnerstwa, wspólnot i zbiorowej inteligencji, w aureoli …
AA Adonis - Global: Jurnal Politik Internasional, 2019 -
The idea of digital sovereignty in the last twenty years increasingly reifies into chiefly policy making debates as the reaction of China's determined activism on internet governance …
Globalization and technological advances have had a dramatic impact on the relationship between media and politics. How can we understand the connection between the two in the …
L Parks - Canadian Journal of Communication, 2013 -
This article engages with three different modes of Earth observation—historical network maps, Google Earth interfaces, and fieldwork—to develop the concept of “signal territories” …
L Quiquivix - Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Rarely discussed about the Israel–Palestinian conflict is the antagonism that exists between the Palestinian leadership and the refugees. With the advent of the Oslo “peace process” in …