[PDF][PDF] Risks and Opportunities Related to Media and Journalism Studies (2000–2020). Case Study on the National Research and Monitoring Capabilities

Z Peruško, D Vozab - cim.fpzg.unizg.hr
Croatian media and communication studies have a long history dating from the 1960s in
socialist Yugoslavia. The growth and advances of the field started strongly after 2000. The …

Kategorije selekcije vijesti u televizijskim prilozima o koronavirusu

S Tomašković - 2021 - repozitorij.unizg.hr
Sažetak Pandemija koronavirusa drastično je utjecala na naše živote i promijenila ih
korjenito. Mediji su postali vrlo važan čimbenik informiranja o novim epidemiološkim …