Algebra teaching and learning

C Kieran - Encyclopedia of mathematics education, 2020 - Springer
Whether or not to group students according to their current mathematics achievement is one
of the most contentious issues in education. Research studies that have provided evidence …

The onto-semiotic approach to research in mathematics education

JD Godino, C Batanero, V Font - Zdm, 2007 - Springer
In this paper we synthesize the theoretical model about mathematical cognition and
instruction that we have been developing in the past years, which provides conceptual and …

The emergence of objects from mathematical practices

V Font, JD Godino, J Gallardo - Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2013 - Springer
The nature of mathematical objects, their various types, the way in which they are formed,
and how they participate in mathematical activity are all questions of interest for philosophy …

[PDF][PDF] Un enfoque ontosemiótico del conocimiento y la instrucción matemática

JD Godino, C Batanero, V Font - ZDM. The International …, 2007 -
En este trabajo presentamos una síntesis del modelo teórico sobre el conocimiento y la
instrucción matemática, en cuya elaboración venimos trabajando desde hace varios años …

Gestures as semiotic resources in the mathematics classroom

F Arzarello, D Paola, O Robutti, C Sabena - Educational Studies in …, 2009 - Springer
In this paper, we consider gestures as part of the resources activated in the mathematics
classroom: speech, inscriptions, artifacts, etc. As such, gestures are seen as one of the …

[PDF][PDF] Algebraic thinking and the generalization of patterns: A semiotic perspective

L Radford, CS Peirce - Proceedings of the 28th conference of the …, 2006 -
Several years ago, I had the opportunity to conduct longitudinal research in four Junior High-
School classes about the teaching and learning of algebra. The timing was just perfect: the …

[PDF][PDF] Semiosis as a multimodal process

F Arzarello - RELIME. Revista latinoamericana de investigación …, 2006 -
Classical semiotic approaches are too narrow to investigate the didactical phenomena in the
mathematics classroom. In addition to the standard semiotic resources used by students and …

[图书][B] Philosophy of STEM education: A critical investigation

NZ Chesky, MR Wolfmeyer - 2015 -
Winner of the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Critics' Choice Book Award
for 2016 Philosophy of STEM Education uses philosophical methods to investigate STEM …

Why do gestures matter? Sensuous cognition and the palpability of mathematical meanings

L Radford - Educational studies in mathematics, 2009 - Springer
The goal of this article is to present a sketch of what, following the German social theorist
Arnold Gehlen, may be termed “sensuous cognition.” The starting point of this alternative …

Iconicity and contraction: A semiotic investigation of forms of algebraic generalizations of patterns in different contexts

L Radford - Zdm, 2008 - Springer
The aim of this paper is to investigate the progressive manner in which students gain fluency
with cultural algebraic modes of reflection and action in pattern generalizing tasks. The first …