Smooth and Topological Equivalence of Functions on Surfaces.

VV Sharko - Ukrainian mathematical journal, 2003 -
Shar 5E/10 Page 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 55, No. 5, 2003 SMOOTH AND

Genus distributions of cubic outerplanar graphs

J Gross - Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 2011 -
We present a quadratic-time algorithm for computing the genus distribution of any 3-regular
outerplanar graph. Although recursions and some formulas for genus distributions have …

Counting 1-vertex triangulations of oriented surfaces

R Bacher, A Vdovina - Discrete mathematics, 2002 - Elsevier
A 1-vertex triangulation of an oriented compact surface S of genus g is an embedded graph
T⊂ S having only one vertex such that all the connected components of S⧹ T are exactly …

On the refined counting of graphs on surfaces

R de Mello Koch, S Ramgoolam, C Wen - Nuclear Physics B, 2013 - Elsevier
Ribbon graphs embedded on a Riemann surface provide a useful way to describe the
double-line Feynman diagrams of large N computations and a variety of other QFT correlator …

Non-P-recursiveness of numbers of matchings or linear chord diagrams with many crossings

M Klazar - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2003 - Elsevier
The number conn counts matchings X on {1, 2,…, 2n}, which are partitions into n two-
element blocks, such that the crossing graph of X is connected. Similarly, cron counts …

Перерахування топологiчно нееквiвалентних гладких мiнiмальних функцiй на замкнених поверхнях

ОА Кадубовський - Збірник праць Інституту математики НАН …, 2015 -
Анотація Мы рассматриваем два класса гладких функций с тремя критическими
значениями на гладкой замкнутой поверхности рода $ g\geq1 $, которые в дополнение …

[PDF][PDF] О числе топологически неэквивалентных\\функций с одной вырожденной критической точкой типа седло на двумерной сфере, ІІ

АА Кадубовский - Праці Міжнародного геометричного центру, 2015 -
Аннотациÿ В работе рассматриваетсÿ класс гладких функций с тремÿ критическими
значениÿми на двумерной сфере S2, у которых кроме M локальных максимумов и m …

[HTML][HTML] Enumeration of unrooted orientable maps of arbitrary genus by number of edges and vertices

TRS Walsh, A Giorgetti, A Mednykh - Discrete Mathematics, 2012 - Elsevier
A genus-gmap is a 2-cell embedding of a connected graph on a closed, orientable surface
of genus g without boundary, that is, a sphere with g handles. Two maps are equivalent if …

Quasi-diagrams and gentle algebras

H Hu, XC Wang, Y Ye - arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.02986, 2024 -
Any gentle algebra $ A $ with one maximal path corresponds to a unique quasi-diagram
$\alpha $. We introduce the regularity for $\alpha $, and show that $ A $ has finite global …

On a uniformly random chord diagram and its intersection graph

H Acan - Discrete Mathematics, 2017 - Elsevier
A chord diagram refers to a set of chords with distinct endpoints on a circle. The intersection
graph of a chord diagram C is defined by substituting the chords of C with vertices and by …