Caching in information-centric networking: Strategies, challenges, and future research directions

IU Din, S Hassan, MK Khan, M Guizani… - … Surveys & Tutorials, 2017 -
Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is an appealing architecture that has received a
remarkable interest from the research community thanks to its friendly structure. Several …

The LCD interconnection of LRU caches and its analysis

N Laoutaris, H Che, I Stavrakakis - Performance Evaluation, 2006 - Elsevier
In a multi-level cache such as those used for web caching, a hit at level l leads to the
caching of the requested object in all intermediate caches on the reverse path (levels l− 1 …

Peer-to-peer cooperative caching in mobile environments

CY Chow, HV Leong, A Chan - 24th International Conference …, 2004 -
Caching is a key technique for improving the data retrieval performance of mobile clients in
mobile environments. The emergence of robust and reliable peer-to-peer (P2P) …

[PDF][PDF] HTML Content and Cascading Tree Sheets: Overview of Improving Web Content Visualization

A Ganapathy, S Vadlamudi, AAA Ahmed… - … Online Journal of …, 2021 -
The database system has contributed immensely to the present state of web pages and
caching. Also, there are so many layers in broad-spectrum for catching numerous web …

Cache clouds: Cooperative caching of dynamic documents in edge networks

L Ramaswamy, L Liu, A Iyengar - 25th IEEE International …, 2005 -
Caching on the edge of the Internet is becoming a popular technique to improve the
scalability and efficiency of delivering dynamic web content. In this paper we study the …

Caching and materialization for web databases

A Labrinidis, Q Luo, J Xu, W Xue - Foundations and Trends® …, 2010 -
Database systems have been driving dynamic websites since the early 1990s; nowadays,
even seemingly static websites employ a database back-end for personalization and …

Low latency for cloud data management

F Gessert - 2018 -
With the rise of scalable, distributed web applications, latency has become a fundamental
challenge for cloud data management. The delays caused by accessing data from cloud …

Performance evaluation for implementations of a network of proxy caches

C Kumar - Decision Support Systems, 2009 - Elsevier
In a network of proxy-level caches, such as IRCache (www. ircache. net), nodes collaborate
with one another to satisfy object requests. However, since collaboration in current …

Modeling the sojourn time of items for in-network cache based on LRU policy

J Liu, G Wang, T Huang, J Chen… - China Communications, 2014 -
To reduce network redundancy, in-network caching is considered in many future Internet
architectures, such as Information Centric Networking. In in-network caching system, the …

[PDF][PDF] Flexpop: A popularity-based caching strategy for multimedia applications in information-centric networking

IU Din - Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2016 -
Abstract Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is the dominant architecture for the future
Internet. In ICN, the content items are stored temporarily in network nodes such as routers …