Analysis of The Influence of Hedonic Digital Lifestyle on Consumptive E-Shopping Behavior of Generation Z Through E-Commerce Applications

SB Utomo, H Jamali, I Arief, MN Saputra… - Jurnal Sistim Informasi …, 2023 -
This research aims to analyze the influence of a hedonic lifestyle on consumptive behavior
in purchasing clothes via e-commerce among students. The author uses a quantitative …

Analysis of The Influence of Digital Promotions, Perception of Ease, Transparency and Service Features Toward Public Intention to Use Digital Bank in Money Saving

R Nurbakti, LG Putri, DR Kurniawan… - Jurnal Sistim Informasi …, 2023 -
The purpose of this study is to determine whether people's interest in saving in sharia digital
banking applications is simultaneously positively and significantly influenced by views of …

Analysis of The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Reuse Intention of Mobile Banking Payment in E-Commerce Transactions

S Susanto, F Wahyudi, S Bangun… - … Indonesian Journal of …, 2023 -
This study intends to determine how consumer satisfaction with mobile banking services
affects repurchase interest. Customers of Jabodetabek who utilize mobile banking make up …

Analysis of The Influence of School Principal Managerial Competencies on Performance Public High Schools Teachers In Indonesia

I Kamaruddin, AF Djollong, A Ramli, M Akbar… - Jurnal …, 2023 -
In order to achieve good management in an organization, a manager with expertise in that
field is required; this rule also holds true in the field of education, particularly in schools. The …

[PDF][PDF] Pengelolaan rehabilitasi lahan kritis berdasarkan partisipasi masyarakat di DAS Randangan Kabupaten Pohuwato

DO Suparwata - 2018 -
Langkah tatis yang dapat dilakukan dalam merekondisi kembali lahan-lahan pertanian yang
telah kritis adalah dengan kegiatan rehabilitasi lahan. Hal mendasar yang menjadi kunci …

Agroforestry Farming System: Measuring its Development in Financial Feasibility Aspects

DO Suparwata, MA Indrianti… - … Series: Earth and …, 2022 -
Paradigm contradictions, conflicts of interest, and the synchronization of agricultural
development that occurs also affect the irregularity of progress, which creates an agricultural …

[PDF][PDF] Pandangan masyarakat pinggiran hutan terhadap program pengembangan agroforestri

DO Suparwata, PS Agribisnis, FI Pertanian… - … Penelitian Sosial dan …, 2018 -
Saat ini pengembangan agroforestri baru difokuskan pada masyarakat-masyarakat
pinggiran hutan. Pandangan yang positif dari masyarakat mampu memberikan dampak …

Analysis of The Influence of E-Commerce Use and Digital Literacy Toward Society Intention in Digital Entrepreneurship

NA Fahmi, Z Zulkifli, T Irwanto… - … Indonesian Journal of …, 2023 -
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between students' interest in digital
entrepreneurship and their use of digital literacy and e-commerce. Quantitative research is …

Pemanfaatan pekarangan bero untuk usahatani buah naga

DO Suparwata, M Djibran - Journal of Agritech Science (JASc), 2018 -
Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk mengkaji pemanfaatan pekarangan bero untuk usahatani
buah naga. Penelitian ini didesain dengan metode survei jenis ex post facto, dilakukan di …

Inovasi Dalam Pertanian Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Sukabumi: Dari Pertanian Vertikal hingga Bioinformatika Pertanian Mewujudkan Sumber Pangan yang Lebih …

K Sulandjari, DO Suparwata - Jurnal Multidisiplin …, 2023 -
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi prospek dan tantangan inovasi dalam pertanian
berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menyelidiki kelayakan …