Proverbs and folklore shape civilization and mankind over time. A non-tangible national art and cultural heritage, Malay proverbs carry the wisdom from the elder generation to their …
Tuhfat al-Nafis merupakan sebuah teks sastera sejarah atau historiografi Melayu. Sebagai sebuah teks historiografi Melayu, ruang lingkup zaman pada masa itu masih lagi bercorak …
This study is conducted to examine how the authors use the creative writing techniques to display the war avoidance strategies by the calibre figures as mentioned in the traditional …
Pantun is one of Malay oldest literary poems. Pantun was studied from various perspectives, including linguistic and semantic fields using qualitative text analysis. However, the number …
Kritikan dalam karya Melayu tradisional dihasilkan dalam pelbagai bentuk, dan lazimnya kritikan itu tidak disampaikan secara eksplisit atau terangterangan. Sehubungan itu, bahasa …
Pantun is the treasure house of thoughts, poetry and the life of the Malays. In every phase of life, people convey pantun in their own style in order to represent the said phase. Hence, this …
Mantera ialah karangan berangkap yang menerangkan world-view dan kosmos bagi manusia berhubung dengan makhluk-makhluk ghaib. Pada zaman yang mementingkan …