Analisis representasi multiple intelligences dan SETS dalam e-comic IPA

A Widyawati, W Setianingsih - Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian, 2021 -
Siswa dituntut untuk memiliki kecerdasan majemuk agar mampu tetap survive dan resilient
di era 4.0. Era industri 4.0 juga mengharapkan pembelajaran yang berbasis teknologi …

[PDF][PDF] Efektivitas pembelajaran science environment technology and society pada materi sistem kardiovaskular di tingkat sarjana

N Hidayati, TA Prayitno - Jurnal Biologi dan Pembelajarannya …, 2022 -
Kelemahan pembelajaran secara online pada mata kuliah anatomi fisiologi manusia yang
menyebabkan tidak bisa tercapainya kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan yang berdampak …

Pengembangan E-Bahan Ajar Berbasis SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) Terintegrasi Potensi Lokal pada Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup

EF Wardani, DR Miftakhi - BIOEDUSAINS: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2021 -
Bangka Belitung pada mata kuliah Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup. Metode yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 tahapan …

Analysis of teacher needs for team-based project learning with the SETS approach on alternative energy source materials

ANL Fauziyyah, R Efendi… - Educenter: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2024 -
Alternative energy sources are one of the materials in physics that are very close to their
application in daily life. Awareness of the importance of understanding in the era of rapid …

The The Influence of SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) based E-Modules on Scientific Literacy Using the Discovery Learning Model

V Elistiana, N Novita, FW Ginting… - … Journal of Technical …, 2024 -
This research aims to identify the influence of SETS (Science, Environment, Technology,
and Society) based e-modules in increasing scientific literacy using the discovery learning …

Multimedia based on science environment technology and society: The needs analysis human anatomy physiology learning

N Hidayati, F Irmawati - JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi), 2020 -
The importance of information regarding the learning process is to be able to identify the
main problems and provide the right solutions according to the predetermined graduate …

The Development of I-SETS based Learning Tools to Improve Learning Outcomes and Problem Solving Skills on Ecosystem Material in MTs

L Erfianti, S Ngabekti, S Saptono - Unnes Science Education …, 2024 -
The research aims to identify the characteristics, validity, readability, and effectiveness of I-
SETS teaching devices as well as improve learning outcomes and skills in solving …

[引用][C] Acid Base Module with SETS Approach to Train Students' Critical Thinking Skill

A Mualifah, R Rusmini - Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia, 2021