Regeneration from injury and resource allocation in sponges and corals–a review

LA Henry, M Hart - … of Hydrobiology: A Journal Covering all …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
The ability of bottom‐dwelling marine epifauna to regenerate injured or lost body parts is
critical to the survival of individuals from disturbances that inflict wounds. Numerous studies …

Invertebrates and their roles in coral reef ecosystems

PW Glynn, IC Enochs - Coral reefs: an ecosystem in transition, 2010 - Springer
There are some fundamental generalizations that can be made about the biology and
ecology of invertebrates associated with coral reefs. For example, it is widely accepted that …

Symbiotic polychaetes revisited: an update of the known species and relationships (1998–2017)

D Martin, TA Britayev - Oceanography and marine Biology, 2018 -
Here we consider the growing knowledge on symbiotic polychaetes since this particular
group of worms, and their relationships with their hosts, were reviewed by Martin & Britayev …

Palaeoecology and diversity of endosymbionts in Palaeozoic marine invertebrates: trace fossil evidence

L Tapanila - Lethaia, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Endosymbionts are organisms that live within the growing skeleton of a live host organism,
producing a cavity called a bioclaustration. The endosymbiont lives inside the …

Comprehensive characterization of skeletal tissue growth anomalies of the finger coral Porites compressa

IJ Domart-Coulon, N Traylor-Knowles, E Peters… - Coral Reefs, 2006 - Springer
The scleractinian finger coral Porites compressa has been documented to develop raised
growth anomalies of unknown origin, commonly referred to as “tumors”. These skeletal …

Direct evidence of ancient symbiosis using trace fossils

L Tapanila - The Paleontological Society Papers, 2008 -
Symbiotic associations are a poorly studied aspect of the fossil record, owing largely to the
taphonomic biases that inhibit direct observation that two organisms shared an intimate …

Coral growth anomalies, neoplasms, and tumors in the Anthropocene

F Ricci, W Leggat, CE Page, TD Ainsworth - Trends in Microbiology, 2022 -
One of the most widespread coral diseases linked to anthropogenic activities and recorded
on reefs worldwide is characterized by anomalous growth formations in stony corals …

Cnidarians and their polychaete symbionts

TN Molodtsova, TA Britayev, D Martin - … , Present and Future: The world of …, 2016 - Springer
Cnidarians, especially skeleton-bearing anthozoans and hydrocorals, are known to host
abundant and diverse symbiotic fauna encompassing members of the majority of metazoan …

Characterizing lesions in corals from American Samoa

TM Work, RA Rameyer - Coral Reefs, 2005 - Springer
The study of coral disease has suffered from an absence of systematic approaches that are
commonly used to determine causes of diseases in animals. There is a critical need to …

Commensalism in the fossil record: Eunicid polychaete bioerosion on Pliocene solitary corals

J Martinell, R Domènech - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2009 - BioOne
Some solitary caryophylliid (Caryophyllia, Trochocyathus, and Ceratotrochus) and flabellid
(Flabellum) scleractinian corals from Pliocene of Western Mediterranean exhibit long groove …