Analysis of risk factors contributing to road traffic accidents in a tertiary care hospital. A hospital based cross-sectional study

S Kumar, Mahima, DK Srivastava, P Kharya… - Chinese journal of …, 2020 -
Purpose: Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are a public health issue and cost a lot to individuals,
families, communities and nations. Trauma care systems in India are at a nascent stage of …

A variable speed limit (VSL) based model for advanced traffic management through VANETs

AV Singh, JS Bhasin - 2016 30th International Conference on …, 2016 -
Roads and automobiles have become increasingly important in our day to day lives. To
make the roads safer and to enhance the road traffic safety, various technologies have been …

Determination of the Eb/N0 ratio and calculation of the probability of an error in the digital communication channel of the IP-video surveillance system

MV Markosyan, RT Safin, VV Artyukhin… - 2017 Computer …, 2017 -
Due to the transition from analog to digital format, it possible to use IP-protocol for video
surveillance systems. In addition, wireless access, color systems with higher resolution …

[PDF][PDF] An Epidemiological Study of Road Traffic Accident Cases (A Study from Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India)

I Ahmad - JETIR, 2018 -
Background: Accidents do not occur only due to ignorance, but are due to carelessness,
thoughtlessness and overconfidence. As well as being a public health problem, road traffic …

Omicidio e lesioni personali da incidenti della strada in stato di ebbrezza e di alterazione psico-fisica. Criticità e problematiche. Considerazioni medico-legali

E Santangelo, L Ventre, M Moratti, L Cociani… - Pratica Medica & …, 2015 -
Road traffic crashes are a main cause of physical harm and mortality. That means a heavy
burden in terms of short, medium and long-term disability and public costs for society …

[PDF][PDF] An epidemiological study on road traffic accident cases admitted to a tertiary care hospital of central Uttar Pradesh

SK Mahima, K Jaiswal, SK Shukla, PK Jain… - International Journal of …, 2019 -
Background: Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are a public health issue and cost a lot to
individuals, families, communities, and nations. The estimated cost is around 1–2% of a …

A Cross-Sectional Study to Assess the Epidemiological Factors of Road Traffic Accident Victims Seeking Care at a Tertiary Care Hospital (Victoria Hospital) …

N Ramya - 2019 -
BACKGROUND: Motor traffic accidents rank first among all fatal accidents. The increasing
number of vehicles has consequently led to increased opportunities for road traffic …