We classify translatively exponential and GL (2, Z) covariant valuations on lattice polygons valued at measurable real functions. A typical example of such valuations is induced by the …
We generalize RP Stanley's celebrated theorem that the h⁎-polynomial of the Ehrhart series of a rational polytope has nonnegative coefficients and is monotone under containment of …
The h*-polynomial captures the enumeration of lattice points in dilates of rational polytopes. For various classes of polytopes, there are many potential properties of this polynomial …
This thesis addresses classical lattice point problems in discrete and convex geometry. Integer points in convex bodies are the central objects of our studies. In the second chapter …
An overview of tensor valuations on lattice polytopes is provided composed of two contributions that began the development of the theory of these valuations; a …
SA Salman, RM Mohammed - 2020 1st. Information …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The term of Ehrhart tensor polynomials is a natural popularization of the Ehrhart polynomial of lattice polytopes which is a much more used in different applications. As our fundamental …