Aging is a nearly inescapable trait among organisms yet lifespan varies tremendously across different species and spans several orders of magnitude in vertebrates alone. This …
Wildlife exhibits various sex-determination systems where sex chromosomes and environmental temperatures may both contribute to individual sexual development. The …
Females and males often have markedly different mortality rates and life spans, but it is unclear why these forms of sexual dimorphism evolve. The unguarded X hypothesis …
Context Functional connectivity across fragmented habitat patches is essential for the conservation of animal populations in humanized landscapes. Given their low dispersal …
Actuarial senescence (called 'senescence'hereafter) often shows broad variation at the intraspecific level. Phenotypic plasticity likely plays a central role in among‐individual …
Y and W chromosomes often stop recombining and degenerate. Different theories have been proposed to explain these observations. The classic theory supposes that …
Sex reversal, a mismatch between phenotypic and genetic sex, can be induced by chemical and thermal insults in ectotherms. Therefore, climate change and environmental pollution …
Sex chromosomes determine male and female phenotypes, and the resulting sex differences can have significant impacts on ecology and life history. One manifestation of …
Sex is a fundamental trait of all sexually reproducing organisms, and sex-determination systems show a great diversity across the tree of life. A growing body of evidence shows that …