Echo chambers and their effects on economic and political outcomes

G Levy, R Razin - Annual Review of Economics, 2019 -
In this review, we survey the economics literature on echo chambers. We identify echo
chambers as arising from a combination of two phenomena:(a) the choice of individuals to …

Behavioral political economy: A survey

J Schnellenbach, C Schubert - European Journal of Political Economy, 2015 - Elsevier
In explaining individual behavior in politics, economists should rely on the same
motivational assumptions they use to explain behavior in the market: that is what Political …

[图书][B] Uninformed: Why people know so little about politics and what we can do about it

A Lupia - 2016 -
Research polls, media interviews, and everyday conversations reveal an unsettling truth:
citizens, while well-meaning and even passionate about current affairs, appear to know very …

[图书][B] Taming intuition: How reflection minimizes partisan reasoning and promotes democratic accountability

K Arceneaux, RJ Vander Wielen - 2017 -
The success of democratic governance hinges on an electorate's ability to reward elected
officials who act faithfully and punish those who do not. Yet there is considerable variation …

Learning about voter rationality

S Ashworth, E Bueno de Mesquita… - American Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
An important empirical literature evaluates whether voters are rational by examining how
electoral outcomes respond to events outside the control of politicians, such as natural …

Partisan intoxication or policy voting?

A Fowler - Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2020 -
Many political scientists believe that partisanship is an arbitrary psychological attachment
that exerts a drug-like effect on voters' decisions. An implication is that voters don't care …

Correlation neglect, voting behavior, and information aggregation

G Levy, R Razin - American Economic Review, 2015 -
In this paper we analyze elections when voters underestimate the correlation between their
information sources (“correlation neglect”). We find that this cognitive bias can improve …

[图书][B] The responsive union: National elections and European governance

CJ Schneider - 2019 -
The EU faces a serious crisis of democratic legitimacy. Citizens believe that the EU is run by
distant and non-responsive political elites. The EU's perceived lack of responsiveness to …

Do shark attacks influence presidential elections? Reassessing a prominent finding on voter competence

A Fowler, AB Hall - The Journal of Politics, 2018 -
We reassess Christopher Achen and Larry Bartels's prominent claim that shark attacks
influence presidential elections. First, we assemble data on every fatal shark attack in US …

Learning together slowly: Bayesian learning about political facts

SJ Hill - The Journal of Politics, 2017 -
Although many studies suggest that voters learn about political facts with prejudice toward
their preexisting beliefs, none have fully characterized all inputs to Bayes' Rule, leaving …