[图书][B] The race between education and technology

C Goldin, LF Katz - 2009 - books.google.com
This book provides a careful historical analysis of the co-evolution of educational attainment
and the wage structure in the United States through the twentieth century. The authors …

[引用][C] The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World

N Ferguson - 2008 - books.google.com
The 10th anniversary edition, with new chapters on the crash, Chimerica, and
cryptocurrency"[An] excellent, just in time guide to the history of finance and financial crisis." …

[图书][B] How global currencies work: past, present, and future

B Eichengreen, A Mehl, L Chitu - 2018 - degruyter.com
At first glance, the modern history of the global economic system seems to support the long-
held view that the leading world power's currency—the British pound, the US dollar, and …

[图书][B] In defense of public debt

BJ Eichengreen, A El-Ganainy, R Esteves… - 2021 - books.google.com
A dive into the origins, management, and uses and misuses of sovereign debt through the
ages. Public debts have exploded to levels unprecedented in modern history as …

Sovereign debt

ML Martinez, MF Roch, F Roldán, MJ Zettelmeyer - 2022 - books.google.com
This paper surveys the literature on sovereign debt from the perspective of understanding
how sovereign debt differs from privately issue debt, and why sovereign debt is deemed safe …

Of Montreal and Kyoto: a tale of two protocols

CR Sunstein - Harv. Envtl. L. Rev., 2007 - HeinOnline
I am pleased to sign the instrument of ratification for the Montreal protocol [governing]
substances that deplete the ozone layer. The protocol marks an important milestone for the …

Supersanctions and sovereign debt repayment

KJ Mitchener, MD Weidenmier - Journal of International Money and …, 2010 - Elsevier
What might happen if a third-party entity had the power to implement fiscal reforms and/or
punish sovereign debt defaulters? In contrast to recent history, extreme sanctions such as …

The empire effect: the determinants of country risk in the first age of globalization, 1880–1913

N Ferguson, M Schularick - The Journal of Economic History, 2006 - cambridge.org
This article reassesses the importance of colonial status to investors before 1914 by means
of multivariable regression analysis of the data available to contemporaries. We show that …

Bonds and brands: foundations of sovereign debt markets, 1820–1830

M Flandreau, JH Flores - The Journal of Economic History, 2009 - cambridge.org
How does sovereign debt emerge? In the early nineteenth century, intermediaries' market
power and prestige served to overcome information asymmetries. Relying on insights from …

Lending to the borrower from hell: debt, taxes, and default in the age of Philip II

M Drelichman - 2014 - torrossa.com
Blame the Midwest. Tender academic minds often need peace and quiet to get down to
business. We first met in the delightful town of La Crosse, Wisconsin (also known as “Mud …