As the demand for hydrocarbons increases, the search frontiers for petroleum and natural gas deposits keep being pushed towards unconventional terrains. An example of an …
Weighting agents such as barite, micromax, ilmenite, and hematite are commonly added to drilling fluids to produce high-density fluids that could be used to drill deep oil and gas wells …
Drilling high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) wells requires a special fluid formulation that is capable of controlling the high pressure and is stable under the high downhole …
Sagging of particles is one of the most critical issues when drilling deep oil and gas wells especially when the hole angle is greater than 30°. Accumulation of cuttings at the bottom of …
Barite sag is a serious problem encountered while drilling high-pressure/high-temperature (HPHT) wells. It occurs when barite particles separate from the base fluid leading to …
During the drilling operations, drilling fluids invade the drilled formations which could cause a plugging or permeability alteration in the reservoir zone and consequently additional cost …
Barite sag is a challenging phenomenon encountered in deep drilling with barite-weighted fluids and associated with fluid stability. It can take place in vertical and directional wells …
Weighting agents are mixed with the drilling mud to provide the high density required to control high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) wells throughout the drilling operation …
One way to reduce wellbore instability in shales is to use agents capable of sealing pores and micro-fractures. The main objectives are 1) to perform pore pressure transmission …