E Nurhayati - 2018 - repository.syekhnurjati.ac.id
Jika segenap potensi perempuan dapat teraktualisasikan secara maksimal, niscaya akan terjadi perubahan besar dan penting dalam peradaban manusia. Namun, sayangnya …
(Un) Civil Society and Political Change in Indonesia provides critical analysis of Indonesia's civil society and its impact on the country's democratization efforts that does not only take the …
The Indonesian massacres of 1965-1966 claimed the lives of an estimated half a million men, women and children. Histories of this period of mass violence in Indonesia's past have …
Instead of giving empathy to the victims, newspapers tended to wrongly illustrate the violence as such that they were likely placing women in disgrace. The media described the …
Buku ini sebagai upaya untuk membuka keran dalam memahami persoalan gender. Di dalamnya mencoba memaparkan beberapa teori gender yang dibangun berdasarkan teori …
E Nurhayati - 2018 - repository.syekhnurjati.ac.id
Bimbingan dan Konseling merupakan ilmu pengetahuan, seni, sekaligus sarana untuk membantu manusia yang membutuhkan dalam menghadapi masalah yang dialaminya …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh gambaran secara menyeluruh bagaimana aktivitas Jugun Ianfu di Jawa Barat, bentuk-bentuk kekerasan terhadap Jugun …
This book is the outcome of a collaborative research, training, and advocacy project involving three NGOs and one research and advocacy network–the Kartini Asia Network for …
Abstract Structure of the media in Indonesia is still dominated by men who lack of gender sensitivity so that the role of women journalists as agents of change towards gender …